that day was horrible...that day was the day that she was being stupid...
she had gone through the days after that without enough food and sleep...her mind was blank and being shut up by herself...her body moving without any specific direction and her mind thinking almost take away her life...
she wanted to tell to somebody but who?they wouldnt understand the situation because they didnt stand in her shoes...they will end up leave her alone and most probably wouldnt speak to her again...she wouldnt take that risk...
thats why she choose to stay all day all night in her room so that she would not face the others...she couldnt remember what day it is and almost shocked that the day had grew dark...she only eat when people being kind to her and send food to her room...and she only communicate with people using her laptop...she was lost in her own world..dark and empty world...
the days full with tears, depression and hungriness ends when the time came at last....they being kind to her when she really needs that serenity...they were very thoughtful and understand her and the situation getting even better when they call it a day...then, its settled...
she starts a new life with hoping that her future will be that the days had passed, she is very thankful....
apa ko ngarut ni?
when will that new life be mine too?
say o : adelahhh!!!
ali : u hv to face d bad days b4 u'll see d new life~
good luck,
that say it all.
thnx =)
some things, we are so much alike.
smiling in a corrupted lies.
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